Saturday, August 11, 2012

Healing at home

Saturday, August 11

Milo has been doing remarkably well in his healing process.  He was so restless when we arrived home from the vet but finally settled down and had a fairly restful night.  However, I was so worried about him rubbing his muzzle with either his paws or up against something that I was hyper vigilant about every little movement or shift so I was a wreck.

I stayed with him on Thursday as his muzzle was so swollen and he was obviously very uncomfortable.  He finally had ceased drooling blood but is still doing a bit of drooling.    I've been feeding him soft food lest he injure himself on hard kibble as he has a tendency to eat with a desperation - understandably given his former situation.   Since he is on two meds which require food - antibiotics and pain meds - I've been administering them separately to be easier on his tummy.  So far, so good.

He has been very good about not bothering his muzzle for which I'm grateful as we've not had to use the cone.  He has been pretty sleepy so I'm trying to let him rest as much as possible, but he has been extremely clingy so it is difficult to get on with all the chores around here.

Overall, Milo is doing much better than I thought he would when I picked him up on Wednesday.  Good boy!   Back to the vet in about 10 days to see how well he is actually doing.

We went to the store yesterday to get more soft food - am trying Sojos- and he met the staff who immediately fell in love.  His haircut almost always sparks conversation, especially since he is looking more collie-like.

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