Thursday, February 28, 2013

Saturday, February 16, 2013

all work and no play...

15 February 2013

my work schedule has been nutso, so rather than posting here my free time has been devoted to walks and trips to the dog park for the pups.

We finally received the herbs this week.  It is a custom blend powder which is sprinkled on his food twice a day when he eats.  Will be glad to see improvement and hoping it eases the wheezing and coughing induced by excercise.  Fingers crossed!

Another trip to the groomer for him as he somehow must have gotten peed on during a literal pissing contest at the park.  He loved it, of course. The groomers who first met Milo in June when he was bald and receiving his first medicated bath.were pleased with his gorgeous coat.  Who would have imagined how much coat he would grow and how lovely it is!  Very soft too.