17 June 2013
We received the results from Milo's CBC on Saturday and Dr. Ryan was practically giddy in reporting that Milo's monocytes are finally within the normal range at 8.9%. But some of his other levels are still off. His neutrophils are low at 54.4% and his eosinophils are high at 19%.
Normal monocyte levels are between 3-10%.
Normal neutrophil levels are between 60-77% (a type of white blood cell that helps fight off infections, particularly those caused by bacteria and fungi).
Normal eosinophil levels are between 2-10% (one of the five major types of disease-fighting white blood cells.)
In June of 2012 Milo's monocyte levels were at 26.9% and were still high when tested in November so he has made a lot of progress since then.
Dr. Choi at the U of MN is very pleased that the herbs she prescribed have helped, but wants him to have more custom blend herbs to bring all his levels into the normal range.
I've attached a photo of Milo from Saturday at the Wildlife Science Center taken by Terry Libro - BEFORE the torrential rains. Oh, and Milo thinks Kitty's turkey treats are so good that he snatched the entire basket off the table and tried to make off with them!